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Specific Nutrition


About the Course

Features online exam, instant grading and automatic certificate generation after completion of this course. As you know, a good exercise program is only half the story as far as fitness is concerned. Equally important is proper nutrition. Often, people base their nutritional needs on government recommended "RDA's." Thousands of research studies have proven that "RDA's" are barely adequate for sedentary existence, much less then an active lifestyle. If you want to eat for maximum health and vitality, you will have to transcend the minimum requirements.

What is Specific Nutrition?

We need to eat to live. This fact is simple; however, for athletes and serious fitness buffs, it is not so simple. To engage in rigorous sports and exercise the appropriate caloric intake and nutritional ratios become a key factor.

"Eat a healthy balance of foods from all four food groups." We've heard this for years but is it enough to devise a well defined and periodized plan to maximize the benefits of your vigorous routine? Probably not. There are six categories of nutrients (water, vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates) that can cause differing effects depending how they are manipulated. Obviously, weightlifters have different needs than soccer players and a serious fat loss client has different needs than a football player. The "Specific Nutrition" CEU is designed to teach you how to scientifically establish nutritional plans that work for a specific objective.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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