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Plyometrics to Enhance SQS (Strength Quickness Speed)


About the Course

This practical guide teaches beginning, intermediate, and advanced plyometric exercises for power sports. The course begins with ground plyometric exercises using two legs at once that strengthen lower body muscles to prepare for more advanced training exercises. The intermediate exercises involved complex bounding movements from the ground using one or two legs at a time or medicine balls for the upper body. Advanced training exercises involve box, hurdle, and cone jumps, as well as high intensity upper body plyometrics. Plyometric exercise is superior to weight training when athletes need to develop power for sports in a short time. This comprehensive course will teach you all you need to know to integrate plyometrics into your clients training programs.

Features online enrollment, online exam and instant grading. Optional automatic online certificate. Paper certificate mailed within ten days of passing online exam.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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