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Pelvic Balance Workshop ISSA Continuing Education Header

Pelvic Balance Workshop

Restore pelvic balance, restore optimal movement.

The pelvic floor is an integral part of human movement. Learn how to assess pelvic balance and function, then develop an exercise program to correct dysfunctions.


What You’ll Learn From This Course:

Upon completion of this Pelvic Balance Workshop, you will:

  • Be able to explain local ligament and pelvic floor anatomy, including pubic and hip joints, and also identify the differences in male and female anatomy.

  • Have a better understanding of what pelvic balance means, what is involved, why it is important, and the most common imbalances.

  • Know how to assess pelvic girdle and T-spine mobility, then implement mobilization techniques.

  • Recognize the types of conditions that can lead to pain in the pelvic area.

  • Learn how to apply pelvis rehabilitation concepts when working with clients who have a pelvic dysfunction.

  • Understand how to create a pelvic core and foot-to-core workout to help restore pelvic balance.

How You Can Use It:

The Pelvic Balance Workshop was co-developed by Dr. Emily Splichal, a functional podiatrist and human movement specialist who also founded EBFA Global, an education company that seeks to change lives by applying the science behind proprioception, sensory sequencing, neuroplasticity, and more.

Fitness trainers can use the information learned in this course to gain a better understanding of the pelvic floor and its fascial attachments, then apply this information when conducting client assessments to better identify whether a pelvic balance or functional issue might exist. The Pelvic Balance Workshop also teaches trainers how to develop an exercise program that helps rehabilitate this important area.

The Pelvic Balance Workshop can be helpful when training clients of all ages and fitness levels – because they all have a pelvis. It helps trainers better understand how the pelvis is connected to the foot, and what happens if the rhythm of this connection isn’t effectively stabilized. It also provides insight into how to get the pelvic floor to relax using specific breathing and movement techniques.



Dr. Emily Splichal, Podiatrist and Human Movement Specialist, is the Founder of the Evidence Based Fitness Academy, Creator of the Barefoot Training Specialist®, BarefootRx® and BARE® Workout Certifications and Inventor of Naboso Barefoot Technology. With over 16 years in the fitness industry, Dr. Splichal has dedicated her medical career towards studying postural alignment and human movement as it relates to barefoot science, foot to core integration and from the ground up training.

Dr. Splichal actively sees patients out of her office in Manhattan, NY with a specialty in sports medicine, functional medicine and regenerative medicine ( Dr. Splichal takes great pride in approaching all patients through a functional approach with the integration of systemic function, diet, vitamin supplementation and corrective exercise.

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Dr. Splichal is actively involved in barefoot training research and barefoot education as it relates to athletic performance, injury prevention and movement longevity. Dr. Splichal has presented her research and barefoot education both nationally and internationally, with her Barefoot Training Specialist® Program in over 35 countries worldwide and translated into 12 languages.

Due to her unique background Dr. Splichal is able to serve as a consultant and expert for some of the top fitness, footwear and orthotic companies including Aetrex Worldwide, Bunion Bootie, Crunch Fitness, Lissom Footwear, NIKE Innovations, PowerPlate USA, RAD Roller and Trigger Point Performance Therapy.

Degrees/Certifications: Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), Master's Human Movement (MS), NASM-CES, NASM-PES, NSCA-CPT

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