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Professional Friend-Making: Let's Network! Nailing First Impressions


About the Course

Alycia is the creator of the "FLEX Your Life 4-step strategy" to use what you have to get what you want. She serves as Spokesperson for the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) and author of the eBook "Get a Better Body: Diet and Exercise Tips to Lose Fat and Get Fit." She also serves as the Director of Development and Training at Circuit Works, a local fitness studio. Alycia is motivated by a healthy lifestyle and continued education. This is no surprise since she began studying dance at the age of 2 and later became a dance teacher and choreographer for competitive dancers. Alycia continued studying dance in college, where she received her bachelor's degree in Education. Her experience in public speaking was cultivated during her 5 years as a pageant title holder including Miss Maryland where she spoke to thousands of people throughout the United States promoting her platform "Get Active." Through this self-designed platform, Alycia was able to bring the message of a healthy lifestyle to audiences through the United States. She gained success in the Miss America, Miss USA, Miss International and Miss Galaxy International pageant systems. During her time as a contestant, Alycia won numerous awards for Fitness, Swimsuit, Interview, Platform, and Talent. Alycia now provides private success coaching to help pageant contestants make the most of their year of service. master's degree. Alycia received her Master's in Counseling and bring her motivational skills to become a Certified Career Coach, serving colleges and universities for 5 years. During this time, her life became more sedentary and Alycia had to recreate ways to enjoy fitness. She began training with a personal trainer and competed in several fitness competitions. Soon, she became a Certified Personal Trainer through the ISSA and trained as a yoga and spin instructor. Alycia transitioned her skills from higher education to employee development within the fitness industry. Alycia's passion is guiding people toward self-improvement and personal transformation while motivating them to use their unique strengths to succeed in their goals. In addition to presenting skill-building workshops, Alycia has facilitated teambuilding exercises for athletic teams, student organizations and professional staffs. Alycia is known for bringing a positive, yet realistic, perspective to every situation and leaves a legacy of motivation and inspiration. Her unique ability to motivate others is done by surfacing the true inhibitors of success and then teaching the knowledge, skills, and disposition to overcome these barriers to help you create your own success!

Many new professionals and college students lack the skills necessary to network with peers and professionals. Even those who know HOW to network can maximize their first impressions. In this training, participants will learn the 3 "first" impressions others make of them in the first 3 seconds, 30 seconds, and 3 minutes of meeting. They'll discover ways to make the BEST first impressions anytime they meet someone new.

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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