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Tiny Habits - The Method of Success


About the Course

Linda Fogg-Phillips, M.S., is the strength behind the Tiny Habits programs. As a mother of 8 children, she knows how to design systems that work (and how to get her kids to do what they need to do a real-life behavior change lab). Linda's expertise includes behavior change in the world of health and wellness. She has a masters in Health Promotion and Exercise Physiology. Linda Fogg Phillips is the mother of eight children ages 12 to 27. She knows the challenges of raising children who are immersed with technology. Linda is the world-wide recognized expert on Facebook and families. She is the author of two books about Facebook and parents. Linda has co-authored The Facebook Guide for Educators and is currently writing the curriculum addressing social media and families for the International Online Psychology Institute. Linda is a sought after speaker for teens and adults. She empowers parents with the ability to better understand, communicate and protect with their children. Teenagers love Linda because she speaks their language and relates to them. As a result, she is able to teach teenagers vital life skills that they will use to protect themselves and preserve their future.

Linda Fogg-Phillips, director of Tiny Habits Academy, will introduce the Stanford University Persuasive Tech Lab's groundbreaking research into human behavior to how you can change your life forever. Use these techniques of behavioral change for yourself, clients, and programs.


  • Big change vs Tiny Habits Effectiveness over a period of time

  • Learn the Fogg Behavior Model

  • How to cement habit accomplishments with Tiny Successes, in order to build upon towards goal

Please note: This CEU course is online only. There is no curriculum material shipped.


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