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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline,  3 Ways to Incorporate Kickboxing for a Strong Core

3 Ways to Incorporate Kickboxing for a Strong Core

Reading Time: 4 minutes 45 seconds


DATE: 2022-08-30

Ask clients which areas of their body they want to improve most and the core is usually one. They want a smaller waistline or abdominal muscles that resemble a six pack. They’d like to see their love handles disappear or get rid of their “muffin top.” But there are other advantages to engaging in core strengthening exercises.

Benefits of Strong Core Muscles

When you have good core strength, you have better posture. The muscles in your midsection are able to fully support sitting and standing upright. Good posture also helps you breathe better, boosts your mood, enhances digestion, and increases your energy.

Building core strength also improves balance. A 2018 study found that participants engaged in four weeks of core training had better stability. Specifically, the muscles worked include the transverse abdominus, multifidus (deep back muscles), diaphragm, and pelvic floor. Better balance means fewer falls. This is especially important for older clients.

Another reason clients should work on their core is that it improves physical appearance. When you walk tall, your body appears slimmer. This translates to a boost in confidence.

How Kickboxing Builds Core Strength

Kickboxing helps increase strength in the core by engaging the muscle groups within the midsection to perform the movements.

Many kickboxing moves begin in a fighting stance. Keeping this stance requires that you engage your abs and glutes. When performing an uppercut, jab, or hook, keeping your core muscles engaged helps you put more power behind the punch.

Kickboxing actually works every muscle group in the body. Punches work your arms and upper back while building stronger abs. Kicks build the muscles in your hip flexors, glutes, and legs. Together, these provide a strength-building workout for your entire body.

Kickboxing for Weight Loss

Taking a kickboxing class can also speed up weight loss. Clients get their heart rate up by performing moves that require a fair bit of speed, such as shadow boxing. They also burn a lot of calories while jumping around the ring, like in a typical boxing workout or when using a jump rope.

Dropping weight at a faster rate helps keep them more committed to their training. They feel more motivated to reach their fitness goals. This helps them stick to their exercise plan long enough to achieve fat loss.

3 Ways to Incorporate Kickboxing for a Strong Core

No two kickboxing courses are the same. What are some workout options that will help get your clients excited about building a stronger core (and body)? Here are three to consider.

  1. Offer a cardio kickboxing class. One major benefit of cardio kickboxing is that it increases fat loss. It helps clients reach a lower weight. A good cardio workout also benefits the heart. It reduces blood pressure and resting heart rate. A cardio kickboxing class is also good for clients who want a more intense exercise session. Constantly changing kicks from using the right leg to the left leg or switching punches from the right arm to the left arm will make them sweat. 

  2. Develop a muscle-building kickboxing routine. You can also use kickboxing moves to develop a workout designed to focus solely on building muscle. Perform movements slowly and deliberately to better work muscles in the abs, glutes, and hips. Use a heavy bag in your training to increase the resistance. Have clients hold a kettlebell when making slow and controlled punches to build upper body strength at the same time.

  3. Create a kickboxing workout that includes martial arts. If your clients are interested in martial arts, create a kickboxing routine that incorporates movements from different disciplines. Karate, jujitsu, and krav maga can all help build s stronger core. Martial arts also provide mental health benefits such as positivity, humility, and confidence. That makes this type of workout good for the body, soul, and mind.

A Sample Kickboxing Core Workout 

Kickboxing can be incorporated into almost any type of workout. If you want to get the heart rate up, cardio kickboxing is best. Want to focus more on building muscle strength instead? Use slow and controlled movements while adding weight to increase the load.

Here is a sample 30-minute kickboxing routine that is focused on the core:

  • Warm-up – 5 minutes

    • Walk in place (30 seconds)

    • Jump lightly from side to side, as if in a boxer's ring (30 seconds)

    • Perform single punches – jab, cross, hook, and uppercut (30 seconds each)

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

    • Perform single kicks – front kick, knee up (30 seconds each)

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

  • Cardio kickboxing; add movements together in quick succession to boost heart rate – 10 minutes

    • Jab and cross, leading with the right arm (30 seconds)

    • Jab and cross, leading with the left arm (30 seconds)

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

    • Hook and uppercut, leading with the right arm (30 seconds)

    • Hook and uppercut, leading with the left arm (30 seconds)

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

    • Front kick and knee, leading with the left foot (30 seconds)

    • Front kick and knee, leading with the right foot (30 seconds)

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

    • Knee, knee, jab, leading with the right side (30 seconds)

    • Knee, knee, jab, leading with the left side (30 seconds)

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

    • Cross, hook, front kick, leading with the right side (30 seconds)

    • Cross, hook, front kick, leading with the left side (30 seconds)

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

    • Jab, jab, knee, leading with the left side (30 seconds)

    • Jab, jab, knee, leading with the right side (30 seconds)

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

  • Strength kickboxing – 10 minutes

    • Crunch with right and left jab at the top (90 seconds)

    • Rest (30 seconds)

    • Side crunch with jab at the top (90 seconds each side)

    • Rest (30 seconds)

    • Squat followed by a kick (60 seconds each side)

    • Rest (30 seconds)

    • Kettlebell jabs; slow and controlled (60 seconds each side)

    • Rest (30 seconds)

    • Shadow boxing (60 seconds)

  • Cool down – 5 minutes

    • Jump lightly from side to side to shake it out (30 seconds)

    • Perform stretching exercises for each muscle group (4 minutes)

    • End with a deep full body stretch (30 seconds)

To increase your skills in this area, ISSA offers a Kickboxing Instructor certification. This course teaches basic kickboxing movements and form. You will also learn how to design a kickboxing class for clients of all fitness levels. This enables you to provide your clients even more workout options. And more results!

Featured Course

ISSA | Kickboxing Instructor

As a Kickboxing Instructor you will be able to help individuals work towards a stronger “mind-body connection”. Learning the history and transformation of this craft will give you the understanding and ability to communicate the benefits that come with this form of exercise.


What You Should Know About the Benefits of Good Posture. WebMD. (2020). Retrieved 16 August 2022, from

Hsu, S. L., Oda, H., Shirahata, S., Watanabe, M., & Sasaki, M. (2018). Effects of core strength training on core stability. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 30(8), 1014–1018.

Positive Psychology in Martial Arts. Psychology Today. (2017). Retrieved 16 August 2022, from

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