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Exercise Therapy: Boosting Your CPT Expertise

Exercise Therapy: Boosting Your CPT Expertise

Reading Time: 3 minutes 20 seconds


DATE: 2024-08-21

Aggie Skreli's journey into the world of fitness and exercise therapy is both inspiring and deeply personal. From her early days as a young athlete to her commitment to helping her mother battle Parkinson's disease, Aggie's story is a tribute to the power of determination, education, and the human spirit.

Growing up, Aggie was always active. "I've always been into fitness. I've always been athletic since I was a little girl," she recalls. Her passion for basketball carried her through college, where she played for a couple of years before transitioning to coaching. She coached kids ranging from ages 7 to 18 and even some adults, but her career path initially took a different direction. "I went to college for business administration," she says, reflecting on her early professional life.

A Mother’s Influence

However, a significant life event shifted her focus back to fitness. "The reason why I got into physical fitness more is because of my mom," Aggie shares. Her mother was diagnosed with stage five Parkinson's disease, a condition that severely impacted her physical abilities and quality of life. "She was progressing physically and it was really hard to upkeep. Medication wasn't working. The doctors couldn't do anything for her. So the only thing that made her feel good was physical fitness."

This profound experience motivated Aggie to pursue certifications in personal training and exercise therapy. "While I was taking care of my mother, I took some time off and did the certificates while I took care of her," she explains. "While we were in and out of hospitals for months at a time, I would stay overnight and just do the ISSA exams or other courses." This period was challenging but also deeply meaningful. "It means a lot to me. I have a connection. I'm gonna get emotional," Aggie admits, especially as the one-year memorial of her mother's passing approached. "It's because of her strength that I pushed myself to get into this business."

ISSA Certifications and Career Impact

Aggie's dedication to her mother's well-being led her to choose the ISSA Exercise Therapy certification. "That's why I picked exercise therapy because it was the closest thing to physical therapy, which helped me learn a few things to help out my mother through physical fitness," she explains. This certification, coupled with her Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) certification, equipped Aggie with the knowledge and confidence to enter the fitness industry. "The most important thing it did for me is help me gain confidence to get into this industry, which is new for me."

Her transition into the professional world of fitness wasn't easy, especially at the age of 47. "The first few months were very hard, but then once I got my first client, I just got so busy," Aggie says. Her certifications played a crucial role in her quick assimilation into the industry. "Once they (gyms)  see the certificates, you're automatically hired, basically, in this industry," she notes, referring to her experience with Crunch Gym and later Equinox. 

Aggie's Exercise Therapy certification has been a significant differentiator in her career. "It definitely sets me apart because I'm the only one (at Equinox 44th St, NYC) that has that," she says proudly. This specialization has allowed her to offer unique services to her clients. "I'm able to say, 'What I can offer you is my specialty in sports performance, strength training, and exercise therapy.' It's a few levels down below physical therapy, so I know how to work with people that have injuries or pain."

This certification has been especially beneficial given the commonality of injuries among her clients. "When you start working, you realize that everyone has an injury. Mostly every one of my clients has had a past injury, or they have some type of pain," Aggie explains. The Exercise Therapy course prepared her to handle these challenges. "It teaches you about knee issues, dynamic warm-ups, how to program for someone with an injury, and how to prevent future injuries."

Aggie's story is a powerful reminder of how personal experiences can shape professional paths. Her commitment to her mother's health led her to acquire skills that now benefit her clients every day. "The ISSA Exercise Therapy certification gave me knowledge and confidence that I didn't have before," she emphasizes. 

In reflecting on her journey, Aggie highlights the flexibility of ISSA's courses as a key factor in her success. "I was able to do everything online and on my own time, which was great for me, especially going through what I was going through with my mother."

Aggie's journey from personal hardship to professional success is a testament to her resilience and dedication. Her story is not just about becoming a certified personal trainer and exercise therapist; it's about transforming personal challenges into opportunities to help others, a mission she fulfills every day at Equinox.

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