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Rosina's ISSA Journey Transforms Frustration into Inspiration

Rosina's ISSA Journey Transforms Frustration into Inspiration

Reading Time: 3 minutes 59 seconds


DATE: 2024-10-15

Rosina Assibey-Mensah had always been interested in fitness, but something wasn't clicking. Despite her dedication, the results she craved just weren’t revealing themselves. "I would wake up every day, sometimes go to the gym for 30 days straight, and I'm like, 'How come I'm not seeing any results? What am I doing wrong?'" she recalls.

That frustration led Rosina to ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association). She realized that to truly transform her body and her health, she needed to dig deeper into the science of fitness and nutrition.

Taking the Plunge into Personal Training

In March 2024, Rosina dove headfirst into ISSA's Personal Trainer Certification program. Her determination was palpable - she completed the course in just over three weeks, earning her certification on April 17, 2024.

"I was so serious about it," Rosina explains. Despite working full-time from 11:30 AM to 8:00 PM, she carved out time for intensive study. "I would start my day around 7 AM and study for a few hours each day in the morning. Sometimes when I got off work, I would get back into the course some more."

Balancing Act: Healthcare Career and Fitness Passion

While pursuing her fitness education, Rosina continued to work full-time in the healthcare field. "I do work within the health field. I'm a diabetic assistant where I help them receive their medication through the Novo Nordisk Notice Patient Assistance Program," she explains. This background in healthcare adds depth to Rosina's understanding of wellness, bridging her professional life with her passion for fitness. Balancing a demanding career, family responsibilities, and intensive study wasn't easy, but Rosina's determination was strong.

The Impact: Knowledge Transforms Results

Armed with her new certification, Rosina's approach to her personal fitness underwent a complete overhaul. "A lot that I was doing previously, like the reps for example, I wasn't lifting properly," she admits. "I would notice I was having back pain and different pains within my body."

ISSA's comprehensive curriculum changed that. "When I was able to go over the course material, it taught me how to lift properly, how to rest in between doing sets, and everything like that."

Nutrition: The Game-Changer

Rosina's thirst for knowledge didn't stop at personal training. In July, she completed ISSA's Nutrition Certification, unlocking another crucial piece of the wellness puzzle.

"You can think that you're eating the correct amount portion-wise, but I have a food scale now where I measure everything," Rosina shares. "With me being able to know the amount of calories I should be intaking every day, that's where I realized the weight was coming off."

The results speak for themselves. Since starting her ISSA journey, Rosina has dropped 14 pounds and counting.

Inspiring Others Through Personal Growth

Rosina's transformation isn't just physical. Her ISSA experience has ignited a passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals. "I've always been known as someone who likes to inspire others, whether it's through digital creating or speaking positively into others," she says.

This desire to motivate led Rosina to document her 100-day fitness journey on social media. "I was posting it literally for a hundred days. I posted about my weight loss, my progress, and I noticed I was inspiring a lot of people all over the world."

The Power of Movement

For Rosina, fitness is more than just a goal—it's a way of life. "Movement keeps me sane. In many ways, it is my therapy," she shares. "I may workout twice a day. It helps me release stress. It’s also is how I hold myself accountable."

Her approach to fitness is uniquely energetic and positive. "I like to turn the gym into my own party. Even if I'm the only one in attendance, I make it count," Rosina explains. "You will find me in the gym laughing, dancing, maybe crying, smiling & playing back the videos of what I worked on."

FREE eBOOK: Movement Mastery: A Quick Guide to Understanding Movement Systems

Dreams for the Future

With two ISSA certifications under her belt and a third (Strength and Conditioning) in progress, Rosina's ambitions are growing. "My vision - I would like to one day have my own gym," she reveals. "I do want to have my own brand, where I'm able to invite clients to work out with me."

For now, Rosina continues to inspire through her online presence. "As of right now, it's just me recording my workout videos and trying to promote health and wellness and get people to understand and hopefully choose to want to better their health as well."

Rosina credits ISSA's flexible, self-paced approach for allowing her to pursue her passion while balancing work and family life. "I have a 13-year-old daughter as well. So just me being able to look over the material, whether it's before work or after work... I like how flexible the schedule is."

A Message of Hope and Perseverance

Rosina's story is all about the magic of learning and not giving up. She's got some real talk for anyone out there thinking about following in her footsteps: "I want to be that face and that voice where people can see, 'Okay, she was able to do it. I'm no better than she or he, so I can do it too.'"

She adds, "I just want to be that role model for people where it's like, just every day counts. Get up, try your best. We only have one life to live, so just try to better yourself every day."

Rosina, often called "Wild Rose" for her vibrant personality, encourages others to find joy in their fitness journey. "I highly encourage others to not be so hard on themselves. When you let go of that image of performing perfectly in the gym, you too can find love in working on yourself."

Through ISSA, Rosina found the tools to not only reshape her own life but to inspire countless others along the way. Her story reminds us that with the right knowledge, determination, and a positive attitude, anyone can turn their fitness frustrations into a success story worth sharing.

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