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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, 20-Minute Full-Body Resistance Band Workout

20-Minute Full-Body Resistance Band Workout

There are many training methods to build muscle, increase strength, and burn fat. And just like weight training, resistance band training applies an external stimulus or stress to the body. If the muscle damage and repair are healthy and balanced, you will experience changes in body composition. Read more to learn how to complete a full-body resistance band workout.

Resistance Band Workouts

Some clients don’t have access to gym equipment or they may want to switch up their workout routine. Resistance band workouts are an effective way to achieve muscle activation to produce results. They are versatile pieces of equipment that provide endless exercise options. 

They are also considered an exercise modality that reduces the risk of injury. Resistance bands can be used for stabilization and core exercises, stretching and mobility, and rehabilitation. These workouts don’t have to be lengthy in duration, but instead strategic in planning. 

Targeting the total body is a great opportunity to include all movement patterns. This includes pulling, pushing, squatting, and lunging. Let’s take a closer look at how a resistance band workout should be executed for optimal results. 

A Full Body Resistance Band Workout

This workout will include upper body, core, and lower body exercises. To increase the difficulty of the workout, grab a heavier band and increase the sets and reps. You will need just 20 minutes to complete the entire workout.

The Warm-up

Preparing your body for hard work and then easing it back to normal should be a part of every workout. Here’s a warm-up to get your muscles prepped for this full body workout:

#1 Glute Bridges

Lie flat on your back to start. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the ground. With your arms out to your side, lift your hips off the ground. Once your knees, hips, and shoulders are in line, lower back down. Be sure to squeeze your glutes at the top. Repeat for 20 reps.

#2 Lunges

To perform the lunge, get in a standing position. Start by taking one step forward. Drop your back knee towards the ground and stand back up. Push off the front leg to assist you back to the starting position. Perform 10 reps on each leg.

#3 Arm Circles 

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Circle your arms forward for 20 seconds. Reverse the direction of the circles and perform for another 20 seconds. Be sure to use your shoulders to initiate the arm circles.

# 4 Jumping Jacks

In a standing position, place your feet together and arms down to your side. Begin by jumping your feet out and bringing your arms above your head. Return to the start position and repeat for 45 seconds. 

The Resistance Band Workout

#1 Mini-Band Squat with Abduction

Place a mini band directly above or below your knee. Squat down and keep your torso upright. As you return to the standing position, raise your right leg out and up. Be sure to push against the bands resistance while raising your leg. For every squat, perform a leg raise. Once you complete 10 squats and 10 leg raises on the right side, repeat again for the left leg. Perform 3 sets total. 

#2 Seated Rows

Start in a seated position with your legs out in front of you. Sit up straight and keep a neutral spine. Now, wrap the band around the middle portion of your feet. Grip both ends of the band and begin pulling your elbows back behind your body. Once your hands reach the side of your body, return to the start position. Complete 3 sets of 20 reps. 

#3 Mini-Band Curtsy Lunge

Place a resistance band around the top of your knees. Begin the curtsy lunge by stepping back and across the body with one leg. Drop your back knee toward the ground and stand back up. Rotate to the opposite leg and repeat for 10 reps on each.

#4 Standing Row

Attach a resistance band to a secure object. In a standing position, grip onto both ends of the resistance band. Stand tall with a slight bend at your knees. Begin pulling the band towards the side of your body. Lead the exercise movement with your elbows. Squeeze your upper back and return to the starting position. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps.

#5 Biceps Curls

Begin by standing on the resistance band with both feet. Then start to curl both ends upwards, bringing your hands toward your shoulder. As you curl, bend at the elbow, but keep your arms close and tight to your side. Perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

#6 Triceps Kickback

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, 20-Minute Full-Body Resistance Band Workout, Triceps Kickback

With the band secure, grab onto it with one hand. Take a few steps away from the attachment point. Hinge at your hips and lean over while maintaining a neutral spine. Keep your arm tight to the side of your body. Now extend at the elbow and press the band back. Squeeze your triceps and repeat for 12 reps on each arm. Complete 3 sets in total. 

#7 Mini-Band Bicycle Crunches

Lie flat on your back with a mini resistance band secured to both feet. Start with your legs up and knees bent. Place your hands behind your head and begin performing bicycle crunches. Pull one knee in, against the resistance, while bringing your opposite elbow towards your knee. Repeat for 3 rounds of 45 seconds. 

The Cool Down

You made it through the workout. Now it’s time to cool down and stretch for recovery

#1 Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch

In a seated position, place the right leg straight out in front the body. Place the left foot to rest on the inside of the right leg. Now fold your body forward as you reach for the right foot. Hold for 15-20 seconds on each leg. 

#2 Childs Pose to Cobra

For childs pose, start on the ground resting on your knees. Sit back onto your heels keeping your hands out in front of you on the mat. Hold for a few seconds and then rock forward into the cobra. Bring your hips forward towards the ground and extend your arms and body upwards. Hold for a few seconds and repeat. Continue for a total of 30 seconds. 

#3 Chest Stretch

Grip onto a doorframe or secure object with one hand. Turn your body to face away from the object allowing you to open up the body. Stand up tall stretching the arm and chest. Hold for 15-20 seconds on each side. 

Great work! You have completed the resistance band workout all in 20 minutes!

Are you looking to learn more about how to train the entire body with minimal equipment? Check out these blogs: 

Looking to expand your training knowledge? Become an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer today! 

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