What does it take to become the best of the best? Head to the blog where we explain the different trainer levels what they mean for your opportunities as a personal trainer.
The steps to become a personal trainer are straightforward, but they do require commitment and time. Be sure you’re ready to do what it takes to be an outstanding personal trainer, then learn the steps and put them into action.
Speed isn’t just for runners or athletes! Check out this blog post to find out how you can get all your clients to use and benefit from exercises to improve speed.
Being a runner, even a really good runner, isn’t enough to be a good running coach. The best are skilled and trained in the art of coaching. They get to know their clients and take their role seriously. Before hiring or considering becoming a running coach, learn what it takes to be a good one.
Personal training courses cover a wide variety of fitness topics. The information they provide can help you become a more effective trainer or simply improve your own fitness results. But what exactly do you learn in a personal training certification program?
Thinking about becoming a personal trainer? Want to know more about getting certified? Head over to our latest blog post to learn more about getting certified as a personal trainer.
Do your clients have goals? Are they specific and measurable? Do they work toward those goals in every session? If the answers are no, you aren't doing your best work as a trainer. Check out the latest ISSA blog to find out why setting fitness goals is so important and how to do it right, for you...
Every so often, we encounter clients that seem difficult. They could be in a plateau, or failing to launch from the beginning. This article contains the secrets to unlocking their motivation and getting rid of their inner critical voice for good!
Running is a popular sport. Millions sign up annually to compete in races ranging from 5ks to full marathons, and even virtual runs. For those interested in improving their speed or endurance, these nine workouts deliver.
Want to add more variety to your clients' workouts? One way to achieve this goal is with the front squat. This guide explains the benefits of this exercise, what proper form looks like, how to incorporate it seamlessly, and more!
Thinking about becoming a personal trainer but not sure what course to select? We've compiled some of the key factors you should consider when making your decision.
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