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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises

Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises

Reading Time: 5 minutes 22 seconds


DATE: 2022-02-08

Clients who are looking for quick, effective, and easily adjustable workouts can benefit from suspension training. This style of training can be found in many gyms and is becoming more popular for workouts at home. It is an effective tool for building strength and increasing cardio levels. Let’s dig into the benefits of suspension training and explore some of the best suspension trainer leg exercises.

Suspension Training Benefits

Suspension trainers can work different muscle groups in the body. They are simple to use and easily adjustable for more or less difficulty. With this, they create a fun atmosphere all while working on muscle balance, stability, and coordination.

For the body to remain in most suspension exercise positions the core must stay strong. This leads to better core strength and alleviates pain or stress in the lower back.

The suspension trainer provides variety for clients. Meaning there are endless exercise options and variations for those who use the suspension trainer. With just two adjustable straps, you can complete a total body workout. Exercise movements available are pulling, pushing, squatting, lunging movements, and more.

By angling your body with certain exercises, you can create more resistance. This is an effective option for both increasing or decreasing the difficulty of a workout. One of the best parts of suspension training is that the straps are adjustable. This makes it an option for all fitness levels. It takes bodyweight training to a whole new level.

Additionally, you can incorporate high intensity exercises that target cardio components. Even clients who cannot safely perform high impact exercises can benefit from using the suspension straps. Simply use the straps to take pressure off the body and ease movements.

Suspension training creates an enjoyable training environment for clients. At the same time, it keeps clients motivated and helps them achieve their results.

The 7 Best Suspension Trainer Leg Exercises

For most exercises, applying these basic principles can ensure clients get the most out of suspension trainer workouts.

  1. Ensure straps are anchored to a non-moveable object and do not shift along the anchor point.

  2. Maintain a neutral spine and correct body alignment for posture.

  3. Straps should always have tension, minimal slack.

  4. Throughout suspension exercise, brace the core and keep the hips in line with the shoulders.

If your client has poor posture use this corrective exercise guide to promote good habits.

Now, apply these four basic principles to the following suspension trainer leg exercises:

#1. Squat Jump

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises, Squat Jump

Secure both straps with one handle in each hand. The straps should sit at approximately hip level. Face the anchor point and take a few steps back. Start by squatting down. Explode back up, jumping off the ground as high as possible. Do so in a controlled manner. As you land back down, absorb your weight descending into the squat again. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

To make the squat jump more challenging, try completing more reps, jumping higher, and using the straps less. Never let go of the handles, instead pull less on the straps when jumping in the air. The closer you are to the anchor point the easier the exercise.

#2. Hamstring Curl

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises, Hamstring Curl

Place both heels in the straps or handles while lying flat on your back. The straps should be as close to the ground as possible. Raise your hips. Make sure that just the upper back and shoulders are resting on the ground. Once in the starting position, begin by bringing your heels towards your glutes.

As you curl your legs back, keep the hips elevated off the ground. Maintain a tight core and lower yourself down slowly. The more the hips extend and remain off the ground, the more difficult the exercise becomes. The closer your feet are to the anchor point, the easier the movement.

#3. Hip Extension

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises, Hip Extension

Start in the same position as the hamstring curls. The upper back and shoulders should support the body on the ground. Bend the legs and keep at a 90-degree angle.

From here, raise or extend your hips up toward the ceiling as high as possible. Maintain a neutral spine by keeping your core engaged. Maintain this throughout the entire range of motion. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the motion. Lower back down slowly and repeat.

#4. Pistol Squat

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises, Pistol Squat

With the suspension straps set to mid-length, face the anchor point. Secure both straps in your hands and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Raise one leg off the ground and hold the straps in front of you. Slowly squat down, keeping the other leg out in front of the body. Bend at the knee and shift your hips back.

Do not let the knee buckle in. Once the body reaches an optimal depth, stand back up. Repeat for the desired reps and alternate legs. Unilateral exercises can help strengthen the legs and reduce injury.

The closer you are to the anchor point the less tension you have built in the straps. This means the pistol squat will be more challenging. If you take a few steps back and build tension in the straps you can use them more to execute the movement.

#5. Split Squat

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises, Split Squat

In a lunge position, start with the back foot in the bottom strap. Use the strap underneath the handle to place the top of the back foot on. Set the straps to hang at knee height or lower. Face away from the suspension strap and anchor point. Begin by dropping the back knee, leg with the foot in the strap, down to the ground.

Stand back up by driving through the heel and leg of the front foot. Increase the difficulty of the split squat by moving the back foot closer to the anchor point. This removes tension in the strap, which places more tension on the front leg.

#6. Lateral Lunge

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises, Lateral Lunge

Holding a suspensions strap in each hand, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and the toes pointing forward. Maintaining a straight lower back and engaged core, step your right leg out to the side. Bring your hips down until your thigh is parallel with the floor. Hold and then slowly push yourself back to the starting position.

#7. Single-Leg Hip Hinge or Deadlift

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Suspension Training: 7 Essential Leg Exercises, Single-Leg Hip Hinge

Adjust the straps to hang at knee height or lower. Grab the handles, one in each hand. Take a few steps back away from the anchor point. The straps must have tension, sitting at approximately hip height with both arms straight. Now, hinge or bend at the hips lowering the handles down towards the ground. The handles should also move towards the anchor point.

Keep a slight bend in the knee and arms completely straight. Raise one leg off the ground lifting it up and back as high as possible. When the upper body becomes parallel with the ground, drive the hips forward standing back up. Learn how to perfect your hip hinge before increasing difficulty.

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