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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, How to Make Workout Videos for Instagram

How to Make Workout Videos for Instagram

Reading Time: 5 minutes 51 seconds


DATE: 2020-12-03

If you want to grow your business as a personal trainer, posting video clips on social media can help you achieve this goal. In the past, this involved setting up a YouTube channel and uploading your video content there. Yet, many fitness experts are also finding high levels of success with Instagram.

Benefits of Having a Fitness Instagram Account

According to a Pew Research study, YouTube and Facebook are the most used social media sites today. However, Instagram is third on the list, with roughly 37 percent of Americans using this platform regularly.

Creating a fitness Instagram page provides access to these individuals. It gives you exposure to fitness-minded Instagram users you wouldn't necessarily have contact with otherwise.

Becoming active on Instagram also makes it easier for your target market to find you. The more active you are online, the higher your rank by sites like Google and Bing. This means that when a potential client searches for a certified personal trainer, you appear higher on the list.

Posting workout videos gives potential clients the opportunity to see you in action. Even if they don't initially hire you, this still builds your brand. Getting more Instagram followers builds your brand too. The bigger your brand, the more clients will want to work with you.

If you get enough followers, you could earn the status of fitness influencer. An influencer is someone who has demonstrated a high level of knowledge and expertise. It is someone that the Instagram user looks to for information. Someone they feel they can trust.

Imagine what it would do for your fitness business to have people you don't even know turning to you when they have a question about weight loss or building muscle. Picture what it would feel like to be known as the personal trainer who provides the best advice. Envision what your sales would look like every time you told your followers about your new workout plan.

Though this site is largely picture-based, Instagram is also the perfect medium for posting video content. But what if you've never posted an Instagram video? Not to worry. All you need is a plan.

Every Good Instagram Video Starts with a Plan

Regardless of which form of marketing you use to promote your fitness business, you should always begin with an idea of what it is you want that medium to do. When thinking about your fitness Instagram page, what is your goal? What is the purpose of creating a profile on the Instagram app?

Are you trying to promote a new workout routine you've created, thus increasing your revenue? Do you want more social media followers to bolster your brand? Are you hoping that creating an Instagram account will allow you to help more people find success on their fitness journey?

Once you understand your purpose behind using Instagram video, the next step is to think about your target audience. What types of workouts would your followers enjoy most? The more you're able to create an Instagram post that appeals to them, the more success you'll have on this platform.

If you're not sure, ask them. Another option is to post a specific type of workout and see how your followers react. Then post another workout to see if you get the same response. Use this data to help you decide which type of video gets the best results.

If you don't have a lot of followers, look at the Instagram account of an influencer. Take note of which video content has the most interaction. Also search fitness hashtags to see which ones are trending. Using these same hashtags in your Instagram feed is a great way to join the conversation.

ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, How to Make Workout Videos for Instagram

Equipment Needed to Film a Fitness Video

With a plan in place, you are ready to begin filming your workout. Though it may seem like you'd need a lot of equipment to create professional videos, you can get by with just three things:

  • Video recording device. There are several ways to record your workout videos. If you have a nice video camera, that is one option to consider. A digital camera also typically offers this ability. If you have neither of these, your smartphone will work too.

  • Audio recording. You may also need separate equipment audio equipment, like a microphone and digital recorder. This ensures that your audience will be able to hear you throughout the video, especially if you move around a bit. If you are relatively stationary, such as when doing yoga, you may get by using the audio on your video recorder.

  • Lighting equipment. Record your video clip in a darker room and you risk appearing dull and out of focus. Using lighting equipment gives your video a high-quality feel. It says that you care enough about your fitness business to invest in it.

How to Make Workout Videos for Instagram When You're on a Budget

If you're new to personal training or don't have a lot of extra money, the idea of buying a bunch of new equipment may be enough to keep you from creating an Instagram account. Especially since Instagram videos are only one minute in length. Yet, you can post your workouts with nothing more than a smartphone.

Whether you have an iPhone or Android, using your smartphone to create your video provides the ability to record anytime and anywhere. So, if you come up with a good exercise tip when you're out running errands, you can whip out your smartphone and hit record.

Plus, using a smartphone shows that you're a regular person. It helps your followers feel more comfortable with you because, in many ways, you're just like them.

Editing Your Instagram Video Footage

Unless you can record a perfect one-minute video the first time you try, you'll likely want to edit it before it is posted. Video editing software can assist. Options available depend largely on the type of equipment you use to record your workouts.

For example, you can use a video editing app if the video is recorded on your smartphone or tablet. Some of these are free and others are not. Doing a quick online search will reveal a few of your options. Look in the app store to see which ones have the highest reviews.

You can also do some editing with the Instagram app itself. Add emojis to motivate your followers. Input text or arrows to draw your viewer's attention to a certain body part or form. Draw on the video to incorporate your own personal style.

Tips for Recording a Top-Notch Instagram Workout Video

Of course, having the right recording and editing equipment isn't enough to create a video that is worthy of drawing in a large number of views. What is in the video matters as well.

The best thing you can do when creating your video is to answer the question: what's in it for me? This is the question your followers are going to be asking from the second they hit play. If they don't instantly see your video's value, they won't watch it to the end.

Try to think like they do and provide the information they would likely seek. For instance, at the start of your video, tell them how quickly they'll get results by doing this one exercise. Tell them how to modify the exercise if they are beginners or have a past injury.

One feature that sets Instagram apart from other social media platforms is the ability to use stickers. Add lyrics to your video via a music sticker. Use a countdown sticker on your Instagram story to get your followers excited about your next workout video.

Making the Most of Instagram Live Video

While we've been talking mainly about how to record and edit your videos, another option is to post a live video. This allows your followers to see what you're doing in real-time.

Tips for mastering live streaming on Instagram include:

  • Promoting your live stream beforehand to encourage your followers to tune in

  • Avoiding busy backgrounds so they're not distracted by what's going on behind you

  • Holding your camera steady while live streaming

  • Interacting with your audience by calling out those who are watching live

Instagram is a great platform for publishing video. If you'd like to learn more about how to create a successful internet-based fitness business, the ISSA offers an Online Coach certification. In this course, you will learn more tips for getting the most from your social media accounts. It also teaches you how to grow your business virtually.

Featured Course

ISSA | Online Coach

The ISSA Online Coaching Certification is the fastest way to transition a fitness coaching business online. This course allows you to pick and choose what you need to learn about so it fits the needs of a new or seasoned trainer. The on-demand information is delivered in bite-sized chunks and it includes everything from how to set up email campaigns and FaceBook ads to positioning and selling your product to prospective clients.

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