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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, How to Use DNA Tests for Your Personal Training Clients

How to Use DNA Tests for Your Personal Training Clients

Reading Time: 6 minutes 47 seconds


DATE: 2020-11-03

The ISSA offers a unique course on DNA Fitness Coaching that allows personal trainers and health coaches to establish a client’s predisposal to health factors like their physiological response to training and cardio, how their body utilizes nutrition, and even their injury risk and recovery capabilities! How can DNA give us so much information? Let’s explore that question as well as how a personal trainer can use DNA testing and DNA test results to craft a more effective, personalized program.

DNA Makes Us Unique

Using a client’s own DNA profile will truly help any fitness professional redefine their training programming. All humans share 99.5% of our genes and genetic data. It’s the 0.5% remaining genetic variant that makes each of us so different. Genetic testing allows people to decode their DNA and identify genetic markers that explain our individual predisposition for health issues, body composition norms, and even digestive health and limitations.

Each of the wellness, nutrition, and general health genetic markers (alleles) the ISSA genetic test looks for can vary from person to person. The results provided to the fitness professional range from low to enhanced for combinations of genetic traits that can explain how a client’s body is functioning and what their genetic capacity is for training, nutrition, and the ability for weight loss. 

No matter the fitness goal, genetic predisposition plays a huge role in what our bodies can and cannot do. Understanding the genetic information of each individual client gives a fitness professional a massive advantage. With a DNA test result in hand, you will be able to make adjustments to the nutrition, training, and recovery protocol for a client to get them the best results. Gone is the guesswork and time-consuming trial and error of programming and nutrition!

Differentiate Your Services

While you won’t have all the answers for a client, imagine what an advantage you have over a typical trainer! The process of collecting the client’s DNA sample, submitting it, and the recommended forms they will fill out as you do allow trainers to get up close and personal. During the initial stages of the DNA collection, submission, and testing, it is imperative to connect with your client. If they have not done so already, have them complete your intake forms, and exercise and health history, and a minimum of a 3-day dietary log. If they are an existing client and you have these forms already, this is a great point in the process to revisit and update those forms.

The personal attention you must give a client during this process serves to build a trusting trainer-client relationship and set you up to have a long-term, productive training relationship with your client. Clients will likely want to stick with you longer because you’ve put in the effort to learn much about them and the way their body behaves. The best thing is that the test only has to be done once! DNA doesn’t change, so these results remain applicable forever. The DNA results and report also serve as a concrete reminder to the client—you can’t cheat your genes!

The testing results will be delivered to the fitness professional directly via web portal within 2-4 weeks of receipt at the testing company. The reason for this is simple—the trainer needs to sit down and review the results to understand them first before the client sees them. The DNA test results can be confusing and overwhelming if you aren’t sure what you’re looking at! Also, if a client sees something unfavorable in their report, their motivation and drive to progress may be affected. Not everyone will get favorable results in all categories, but it’s the job of the DNA coach to really explain what that means and how the client can work around it. Everyone has the ability to change their body or lose weight—some just have to work smarter, not harder!

How It Works

While you as a fitness professional may have questions about how this service works, imagine the questions a client may have! We understand how complicated genetics can be, but the process can be simplified for clients to ease their concerns.

  1. The trainer gives the client a kit. Following the direction in the kit, they swab their mouth and submit the sample in a pre-paid postal envelope.

  2. When the kit is sent in, the trainer will get an email receipt of the processing fee (charged to the trainer). This is a great time to get or update client forms and discuss their current situation and future goals.

  3. Test results are typically returned within 2-4 weeks to the trainer’s GeneticDirection dashboard. Set up a time to go over the results with the client.

  4. Armed with the genetic report, trainers can immediately begin to make adjustments to a client’s programming and nutrition plan.

Many trainers using the DNA testing services bill it as a separate, optional service. Some trainers make this a mandatory piece of their initiation process. Regardless of how you implement genetic testing in your training business, there is great earning potential. 

Understand that each kit costs $10 and the processing of each kit is $199 (charged only when the kit is registered online). That’s an investment of $209 per client…plus the fitness professional’s time for forms and report breakdown. Most trainers charge between $349 and $499 for this service with everything included for the client. A fair price to pay for the results that are sure to come!

Show Me the Results!

There may be many reasons a client is not seeing results with their current training protocol. They may not be putting in adequate effort in the right places, may have hormonal issues, may lack proper recovery, or may even have a nutritional tolerance (or intolerance) that they are not aware of. 

The test offered to ISSA DNA-Based Fitness Coaches by the DNA testing company GeneticDirection provides huge insight into what we can’t see that is holding our clients back! Let’s talk specifically about the insights a trainer gains from the client’s results.

Training Insights

Not every client needs to do a ton of cardio every day. Not every client needs to create the same calorie deficit daily either. The genetic test results provide tremendous insight into an individual’s physiological responses to cardio, resistance training, and their predisposition for weight loss and maintenance

A client who scores favorably in their body’s response to cardio is a client that will tap into stored body fat faster than a client who scores unfavorably. That means a trainer can program shorter cardio sessions for this client and they will still get maximum results!

A client who scores favorably in their response to resistance training is one who should be lifting more! Of course, all clients can benefit from resistance training—more muscle, a higher basal metabolic rate, and longer-term strength and balance. However, those whose bodies respond well should keep that as their focus 4-6 days a week!

Now, think of these results in combination. This is where it gets fun! Say a client responds unfavorably to cardio (meaning it takes them longer to tap into stored body fat), but scores favorably in response to resistance training. This is an opportunity for a fitness professional to program cardio around a workout, but also include training styles like high intensity intervals (HIIT) and circuit training to incorporate resistance and elevate the heart rate at the same time. No more slow training sessions for that client!

Nutrition Insights

The test results are a game-changer for nutrition planning and clients looking to lose weight. It details how a client’s body utilizes macro and micronutrition and exposes any potential barriers to their weight loss. The three macronutrients—protein, fat, and carbohydrates—as well as many of the most common micronutrients—vitamin B12, vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin A for example—are addressed in each client profile. 

The macronutrition breakdown examines how well a client’s body responds to protein, carbs, and fat. Some clients may thrive with a higher carb and lower fat diet while others may need higher fat and protein in combination. With this information, a trainer can easily adjust a client’s macronutrient ratios on the fly. Again, if your client hasn’t done a nutrition log recently, get them one ASAP! You’ll need to see what they are currently doing to suggest the most effective changes for long term success.

The micronutrition breakdown is similar but provides more insight than a prescriptive change. Clients who are concerned about their micronutrition should be referred to their physician. However, a trainer will learn if there are any micronutrients a client has a hard time absorbing. For example, consider zinc. Zinc is a big part of the immune function in humans as well as carb breakdown and wound healing. If your client scores unfavorably for zinc absorption and is often ill, this may be a connection!

Breaking Down the Results: Why Your Client Needs YOU!

In the ISSA DNA-Based Fitness Coach certification, trainers learn how to interpret and understand the DNA test results. This is key for proper programming adjustment and ensuring that clients remain motivated and focused, and understand how their genes affect them. 

Allowing a client to review their results on their own is a recipe for disaster! Say a client has an unfavorable result. For example, they have a low response to cardio training. To them, this may mean they have to do hours and hours of cardio and that still may not get them a result. If that client is an avid runner, imagine what that does to their psyche! The truth of this result is that they take longer to tap into stored fat as an energy source. YOU as the professional can help them understand this result and adjust their programming accordingly.

Remember, everyone is capable of losing weight and seeing fitness results! Using their unique DNA to figure out exactly what will work for them is the key to faster results! Work smarter, not always harder!

Check out the ISSA DNA-Based Fitness Coach Certification today! Your clients will thank you and your personal training business will be forever upgraded to the next level!


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Featured Course

ISSA | DNA-Based Fitness Coach

Distinguish yourself apart from all other trainers. The DNA-Based Fitness Coach program unlocks the full potential of your clients by understanding how genetics play a role in program design. This provides greater accuracy and eliminates trial and error with clients — it's a game changer.

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