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Plant-Based: Nutritional Benefits of Hemp

Reading Time: 4 minutes 19 seconds


DATE: 2020-02-25

Hemp is showing up more frequently in food plans, health products, and supplements—hemp protein, hemp milk, plant-based protein, shelled hemp, and more. With the surge in popularity, you'll likely have more clients talking to you about these products. Learn more about the nutrients in these plant derivatives and how they affect your client's well-being.

Health Benefits of Hemp

The hemp plant, also referred to as cannabis sativa, is one of the fastest-growing plants and has many health benefits. Hemp seeds contain ample amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which tout their own great health benefits. Plus, they pack in other nutrition essentials:

  • Protein

  • Vitamins

  • Minerals

  • Essential fatty acids

The hemp seed is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids. These nine amino acids must come from your diet because the body does not make them naturally. Hemp seeds are used to make hemp protein powder, a great plant-based protein option for clients following a plant-based diet. Protein deficiencies result in losing muscle mass, encountering bone fractures, and increased infections.

Hemp seeds also contain a non-essential amino acid called L-arginine. This amino acid converts to nitric oxide in the body, which allows oxygen to travel more efficiently through blood vessels. More oxygen leads to more blood flow. More blood flow allows your clients' cells to rejuvenate at a higher level and improve nutrient absorption.

The antioxidant makeup of hemp produces muscle growth, increases strength, and promotes nervous system functions. Antioxidants fuel the brain and improve clients' overall health and human performance. Along with this, hemp seeds possess anti-inflammatory properties that mediate the body's immune system. This is important in protecting against disease and reducing inflammation in the body.

The macronutrient breakdown for three tablespoons of hemp seeds is 116 calories, 9.47 grams of protein, 2.60 grams of carbohydrates, and 14.6 grams of total fat. Hemp seeds contain a variety of vitamins and minerals like vitamin E, potassium, iron, and zinc. This nutritional value can complement a client's diet by adding the seeds into cereals, protein smoothies, and salads.

CBD vs Hemp

A well-known form of the hemp plant is cannabidiol, also known as CBD. CBD derives from hemp and can help in treating a variety of health issues. Hemp comes from the seed itself and CBD comes from the leaves of the hemp plant—using the entire plant.

Since CBD and hemp both essentially come from the same plant, there are sometimes complications distinguishing the differences between the two. However, they both lower inflammation in the body improving skin, brain, and heart health.

CBD is usually infused in oil products, extracts, and pills. CBD oil is used more in a holistic manner and hemp is used more in food or skincare products.

CBD is a chemical found in marijuana but does not contain the same levels of THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is the psychoactive compound in marijuana that creates a high feeling. Both CBD and hemp contain a low enough amount of THC to not produce the high effect.

Hemp and CBD promote weight loss by increasing satiety and reducing food consumption. Hemp encompasses a high dietary fiber makeup, which may help clients manage their weight. CBD boosts metabolism and reduces food consumption to help with weight loss and maintenance as well.

Benefits of Hemp Oil

Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an omega-6 fatty acid found in hemp oil. This fatty acid has a huge impact on cardiovascular and immune disorders. As our clients grow older, GLA supplementation becomes more useful. Aging causes GLA metabolism to degrade, making it more difficult for our body to naturally produce it.

Hemp oil can decrease inflammation and improve skin conditions through the application of polyunsaturated fats. The ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in hemp is the most optimal ratio for the body to break down. This makes fatty acids even more effective in acting as an antibacterial agent.

The endocannabinoid system's acceptance of hemp is what makes the body's response so beneficial. The system is comprised of a series of receptors that respond to cannabinoids the body creates. These receptors, found in the immune system and central nervous system, work well with hemp.

If your clients implement hemp oil or hemp plant products into their regimen, they can expect them to experience less inflammation and stress in the body. As a result, they will sleep better and recover faster from exercise. The high antioxidant and protein content in hemp relieves oxidative stress from working out.

Sleep is important in improving clients' performance. Check out ISSA's blog post on the many fitness-related benefits of hemp's byproduct—CBD oil.

Health Benefits of CBD Oil

Pain relief is one of the many benefits CBD oil offers. The many topical forms of CBD give clients alternative options compared to heavier medications. This is important because more serious medications can lead to addictions and other side effects. The endocannabinoid receptors in our body allow for CBD to respond and stimulate cells to produce anti-inflammatory effects just as some medications would, but without dangerous side effects. CBD oil, in turn, can relieve the pain or muscle soreness a client experiences from intense exercise.

CBD can serve as this alternative medicine without disrupting other systems and bodily functions. CBD impacts serotonin levels and receptors in the brain. Serotonin levels greatly influence a client's emotional well-being. As CBD works to balance serotonin levels, a person may experience relief from symptoms of depression and anxiety.

CBD plays a big role in providing treatment for neurological issues. CBD treatment has positively influenced brain tumors, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. Its effect on neuroprotective properties through the endocannabinoid system produces many neurological benefits. Part of this is the chemical compound's anti-inflammatory process.

Staying Educated and Aware

As with any supplement or medicine, some pros and cons may differ from person to person. Always be cautious of the downfalls associated with any type of supplement or medicine. Some potential side effects of CBD alone are fatigue, appetite changes, and diarrhea. Remind your clients to consult with their doctors for medical advice.

Nutrition plays an important part in clients achieving their goals and feeling healthy. With new science on the rise, it is important to keep up to date to provide your clients with the best service. ISSA's Nutrition Certification will help you master the science of nutrition coaching, so you can implement the most effective food and supplements into a client's diet.

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