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Why 'Dad Bod' Needs a Trainer

Your Dad won't hire a trainer? Help him become one

BY: Alexander Van Houten

DATE: 2022-04-07

Before we talk about your shopping spree, let’s make sure we’re clear on why your Dad needs a trainer.

Did you know Mom’s body wasn’t the only one that went through some changes when you came into the world?

You know what I’m talking about.

You see a picture of Dad from 20 years ago and you look at the soft-bellied man you call Pops today and wonder “What happened to Dad? Why’d he let himself go?”

I’ll tell you what happened. And I won’t pull any punches.

You happened!

I’m not saying it’s your fault, but you should know some things that happened when you came into the world before judging dear old dad.

Everyone knows that mom’s body changes due to childbirth, but most don’t know that recent research tells us that dad’s body changes as well!

And Dad’s changes, though subtler than mom’s, are no less profound.

When you were born, nature took its course to equip your Dad to be a bit less aggressive and a bit more home-bodied so he could be a decent Father. (I know he’s not perfect, but if you could’ve known him when he was 18, you’d realize why biology had to swing that way!)

Dad gave up a massive amount of testosterone, and with it the young male confidence, muscle mass, and serotonin (think natural anti-depressant) that are byproducts of pre-dadhood testosterone!

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The good news is, biology works the other direction as well.

Dad’s don’t need to get “old” when they can “level up”!

A scientifically-backed nutrition and exercise program can elevate testosterone, lower stress hormones, chisel the “Dad Bod”, and bring back much of the health, performance, and vitality that was his when you were just a twinkle in his eye.

So the question is this

If your Dad got serious about his health and fitness, would he:

…Seek professional help and hire a trainer?


…Learn how to train himself and get certified?

In honor of Father’s Day, we have dad covered.

If he is the “leave it to the professional type”, don’t hire just any trainer! Here’s the official guide to choosing the right trainer for Dad


If he is the “Do It Yourself” kind of guy, don’t make him rely on YouTube University for his education.

Get $300 off the certification of your choice this weekend ONLY! (Click to get the special offer!)

Heck, there’s no reason you can’t cash in on the deal either.

You know Dad would be proud of you investing in your education and saving some $$ while you’re at it.

Regardless of the type of guy you call "Daddy" give the gift of health this father's day!

Click image to view full infographic or download PDF here and share.

Give the Gift of Fitness for Father's Day


1. Lee T. Gettler Thomas W. McDade Alan B. Feranil, and Christopher W. Kuzawa. Longitudinal evidence that fatherhood decreases testosterone in human males Published online before print. September 12, 2011, doi:10.1073/pnas.1105403108. PNAS September 27, 2011 vol. 108 no. 39 16194-16199. Kranz GS, Wadsak W, Kaufmann U, et al. High-Dose Testosterone Treatment Increases Serotonin Transporter Binding in Transgender People. Biological Psychiatry. 2015;78(8):525-533. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.09.010.


Give the Gift of Fitness for Father’s Day

Not sure what to get Dad for Father’s Day this year? How about the gift of health, fitness, and no more Dad Bod? The gift of a personal trainer is a great idea and so thoughtful that your dad will truly be surprised. It’s not a gift to be chosen lightly, though. Everyone needs something different from a trainer, so let us show you how to pick out the perfect fitness professional for your dad so he gets the most out of his sessions.

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