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ISSA, International Sports Sciences Association, Certified Personal Trainer, ISSAonline, Warrior 2 Pose – Benefits, Modifications, and Variations

Warrior 2 Pose – Benefits, Modifications, and Variations

Reading Time: 4 minutes


DATE: 2022-10-24

If you have practiced yoga for any amount of time, you know warrior 2. This classic pose is a reliable standard in many sequences. Easy enough for most beginners and a homebase for more challenging poses, warrior 2 (warrior II) is a versatile and beneficial yoga pose everyone should try to master. 

About Warrior 2 Pose 

Warrior 2 is an asana, a pose in yoga, meant to be held for a period of time and often used as part of a series of poses. Also called virabhadrasana 2, warrior 2 is a classic yoga pose and one of a set of five warrior poses. 

The warrior asanas are standing poses that utilize a wide, hip-opening stance. They should make you feel strong, like a warrior preparing for battle. You can practice all five in series or use them separately and as part of other sequences.

Warrior 2 is often used in standard sequences, like sun salutation. It’s a good move for most beginners and warms up the body for other, more challenging asanas. It is also a useful transition asana for other poses. 

The Benefits of Warrior 2

Warrior 2 is a great move for many reasons. Whether you use it alone or part of a sequence, there are multiple benefits to finding your perfect form in this asana. 

Strengthen the Legs

This is partially a grounding pose that requires you to stand firmly planted on the ground, legs spread wide and one bent at the knee. Holding this position works the hamstrings, quads, and adductors.

Warrior 2 Pose Opens the Hips, Chest, and Shoulders 

Sitting at a desk all day, as many of us do, tightens the hips, rounds the shoulders, and closes up the chest. Warrior 2 is a perfect pose for stretching and opening all of these areas. Use it at the end of a workday or on a quick break to loosen up and improve posture. 

Learn more: Yoga Hip Openers to Boost Hip Flexibility and Reduce Pain

Lengthen and Activate the Back

Warrior 2 requires you to lift and lengthen the spine. Doing so is great for relieving the pressure that settles into your back during the day. It will also activate and strengthen muscles along the spine. 

Learn more: Yoga Poses for Back Strength and to Relieve Pain

Warrior 2 Builds Balance

Holding this pose takes balance. You have a nice wide stance from front to back, but holding the position with arms raised is harder than it looks. 

How to Do Warrior 2 – Step by Step

Warrior 2 is a relatively simple pose, but as with any asana, it’s important to get it right. Proper alignment creates greater body awareness and prevents strains and discomfort. Here’s how to nail a perfect warrior 2: 

  1. Start in a wide stance along the long side of the yoga mat. Stretch your arms out to either side and position the feet under the wrists. 

  2. Turn the right foot and leg until they face the short edge of the mat.

  3. Turn the left foot inward by about 45 degrees. Your toes should be pointing toward the upper left corner of the mat. 

  4. Bend the right knee to 90 degrees. The knee should be over the ankle. 

  5. Your left leg will be straight and both feet are planted firmly on the mat. 

  6. Check that your weight is distributed evenly between the left and right leg. You shouldn’t be putting more weight forward or backward. 

  7. Press down into the mat with the outside edge of the back foot. 

  8. Check your spine and shoulder alignment. Your spine should be straight so that your head is right over your pelvis. The shoulders should be directly over the hips. 

  9. Keep your arms straight out from the shoulders and turn your head so that your gaze is over the right arm straight down to the fingertips. 

  10. Hold the pose for several breaths and then repeat on the other side. 

Modifications and Variations

Warrior 2 is accessible to most beginners, but not everyone can do the full pose immediately. There are plenty of ways to modify it and work up to the full asana. For instance, you can increase the angle in the front leg. The knee doesn’t have to be at 90 degrees. Straighten the front leg a little to relieve pressure on it. 

If balance is an issue, you can do the pose with hands on hips instead of extending them. You can also keep the head facing forward if you have neck pain or limited neck mobility. 

Some people get wobbly in the front leg, letting the knee drift in or out. To practice stabilizing the leg, do the pose against a wall. Place a yoga block between the thigh of the front leg and the wall and press against it. This will strengthen the muscles that are too weak to hold the pose without wobbling. 

For a more advanced strength exercise, add some movement to warrior 2. While in position, straighten the front leg. Keep everything else in alignment while you do this. Lower slowly back down into the 90 degree position. Repeat this several time to work the muscles of the front leg. 

While the legs are the focus of this workout, your arms are getting stronger every time you hold them out for a period of time. To make this more intense, turn your arms up so the palms and elbow creases face the ceiling.

Mastery of warrior 2 is a great opportunity to move on to more challenging poses. From warrior 2, you can transition to warrior 3 (warrior III), which requires more balance. You can also try humble and reverse warrior, extended side angle, or the twist. 

Warrior 2 is a foundational pose in yoga. Master it to strengthen muscles, open the chest and shoulders, lengthen the spine, and make it part of a complete asana sequence. 

Did you know that the ISSA now offers a Yoga Instructor Certification? Take your passion for yoga and turn it into a rewarding career in fitness and wellness. You’ll learn the nuances of each yoga asana and how it looks different to each student, and get templates to build a customized yoga class guaranteed to keep participants returning.

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